peace from coruña

Merry Christmas

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firewhorl – act two – hope

Christmas is a time for love... Christmas is a time for belief... Christmas is the time for peace


John Lennon - "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" - Performed 'live' at his statue in A Coruña, Galicia, Spain : 22-12-23

2 week to rehearse - 2 musicians - 10 Teenagers - 20 children - 5 Teachers - borrowed lights - €140 phone camera – lot's of love & belief

for all you believers... "a very merry christmas - and a happy new year"

concept creation:

David E. Pardiñas (Guitar & Voice), Andrea Peralta (Viola)

(English World Christmas Choir)
Sara Barral, Paula Bermejo, Mencia Couto, María Deibe, Daniella Dacruz, Lola Espadandín, Telmo da Fonte, Nuno Freijo, Irene Garcia, Carmen Lema,
Sheila Lago, Miguel López, Rocío López, Antía Martínez, Diego Martínez, Noa Martínez, Paula Martínez, Emma Meitín, Mar Meitín, Lucía Oliveira,
Moira Paz, Laura Perez, Ashley Romeu, Sara Rua, Claudia Sanjurjo, Laura Sanjurjo, Vega Soto, Manuel Toboada, Valentina Taboada

vocal coaching:
Cristina Del Rio, Susana Fuentes, Tamara Gutiérrez, Alexandra Torres

logistics support and kindness:
Yaiza Seijo, Carlota Cillero (Sugema), Sergio & Crew (CEGA)

additional thanks:
Concello da Coruña

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