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Stev - 'Music of The Wind Turbines' (Soundtrack to 'Aldea')


Written by: ℗ Stevenson - Copyright Control | ©2013 Stev | Produced by Stev

2013 – On a visit to one of the many abandoned aldeas (hamlets) in Galicia, Spain, I came across this one which was surrounded by wind turbines. On parking the car next to one, I realised how noisy these things were. It must be a nightmare to live near them! However, on standing there filming the aldea, initially from afar, I became aware of the rhythmical patterns of the machinery, which were quite hypnotic. Whilst watching the video footage on my computer, I sampled off a section of the turbine noise which the camera had recorded and began composing this little piece which I used to accompany the video.

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