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Stev feat. Lisa Crosbie - 'Love Letters' (Studio Jam)


Written by: ℗ A.Stevenson/J.Stevenson/L.Crosbie - Copyright Control | ©1991 Stev/J.Stevenson/L.Crosbie | Produced by Stev

1991 – This was my first exploration into an R&B type composition, an overnight jam session with Liverpool singer Lisa Crosbie. It was a time of the Gulf War (first Iraq war) and my brother had dropped by with a song he was playing with. In the days before the Internet or mobile phones, soldiers abroad could only communicate through letters and this had inspired him. We liked the idea. With Lisa, we played around with the lyrics, added some of our own and quickly recorded our ideas. I really wanted some 60's style 'Oooh' backing vocals and got Lisa to sing my idea and tracked it with some harmonies. The following night, Liverpool Saxophonist Andor came over and we did a one-take run through of the track whilst he jammed along. This was the result, a pure 'studio jam' in every sense.





